How can I lower my creatinine level naturally?
Creatinine is a chemical waste composition of the muscle metabolism process. Creatinine is sent to the bloodstream so that kidneys can pool them out along with the urine.
The temporary rise in blood creatinine range can be due to intake of protein, intense exercise, and the use of certain medications or supplements. But, creatinine may sometimes buildup in the blood on account of impaired kidney function.ayurvedic medicine to reduce creatinine |
For reference, doctors use blood creatinine test to know how well the kidneys are working. High levels of creatinine in the blood or urine can be a sign that the kidney’s filters are damaged, resulting in a waste buildup in the blood. So, we cannot think of a high blood creatinine range to be a disease in itself though it points to a life-threatening condition.
- Changes in urination, such as foamy urine, bloody urine, etc.
- muscle cramps
- fatigue
- nausea or vomiting
- puffiness around the eyes
- swelling in the feet or ankles
Your doctor would order a creatinine test in case you have any of the following tests, which may contribute to decreased kidney function:
- diabetes
- high blood pressure
- thyroid disease
- autoimmune diseases
- bacterial infection of the kidneys (pyelonephritis)
- a blocked urinary tract
- a family history of kidney disease
- consuming medications such as sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, or chemotherapy drugs.
Eating a diet rich in protein can also contribute to the rising creatinine range. Temporary, you may have a high creatinine range after working out strenuously.
If you have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease as your blood creatinine range is high, diet and lifestyle changes can help bring the adverse levels. Your doctor may ask you for a creatinine test if you have these signs:
Read on to learn some healthy ways to bring down creatinine from elevating even more.
1. Don’t take supplements containing creatine
Creatine is a natural compound that your liver made. It is transported to the muscles for use as energy. Unused creatine is converted into a chemical waste called creatinine. Creatinine is naturally available in certain supplements also. So, when you consume them, your creatinine is going to rise even more. If you have already got CKD, you should avoid these supplements.
2. Reduce your protein intake
Eating a chunk of protein in one go or in portions also can increase your creatinine levels, at least for the time being. For instance, red meat, which is rich in creatine, gets converted into creatinine when cooked. Consuming a protein-rich diet would result in higher than normal creatinine levels, even in a healthy person.Fortunately, you have choices to switch high protein sources with a vegetable-based diet. You can have lentil soup, eggs, and other sources to meet your protein intake.
3. Stay hydrated
Creatinine levels may also rise when you do not consume enough fluid. Signs you are not drinking enough water include dizziness, fatigue, thirst, etc. If you are not consuming adequate water daily, notice changes in your urine color. It is a good parameter to know if you are hydrated well. Severe dehydration has an impact on cardiovascular and kidney function at the same time. Before it actually turns life-threatening, start consuming 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Make fiber a part of your diet
Though research is still being conducting to determine how fiber can help strengthen kidney function. Nevertheless, fiber helps to excrete toxins out while your kidney function is not accurate, and the waste is plowing in the bloodstream. Fiber can be found in many foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
5. Pull down salt from your diet
Consuming a diet rich in salt is going to put you at your risk, especially if your kidney function is already compromised. Salt results in fluid retention, which is going to result in high blood pressure, and your kidneys are going to get harmed. Processed foods are also loaded with sodium and phosphorus, which potentially burden kidneys even more. Consider cooking food at home with minimal spices and herbs, and oil.
6. Avoid smoking
Smoking cigarettes or cigars harms your body in potential ways, including elevating the risk of chronic kidney disease. Talk to your healthcare team about ways you can adapt to quit smoking.
7. Limit your alcohol intake
Consuming alcohol can be tricky when it comes to impaired kidney function. Scientists do agree that moderate alcohol consumption may yield no negative results, but yes, the frequency does matter. Alcohol not only damages your kidneys but also impacts the functioning of the heart, which is yet another reason you may have CKD. When you consume alcohol, blood pressure shoots up, and this is not healthy for kidney patients.
If not controlled early, high blood creatinine can result in uremia, a life-threatening condition already. Talk to your doctor about the right course of treatment to address the underlying cause of the high creatinine range. Preferably, it is the ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine that can help.
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