How can I lower my creatinine level naturally?
Creatinine is a chemical waste composition of the muscle metabolism process. Creatinine is sent to the bloodstream so that kidneys can pool them out along with the urine. The temporary rise in blood creatinine range can be due to intake of protein, intense exercise, and the use of certain medications or supplements. But, creatinine may sometimes buildup in the blood on account of impaired kidney function. ayurvedic medicine to reduce creatinine For reference, doctors use blood creatinine test to know how well the kidneys are working. High levels of creatinine in the blood or urine can be a sign that the kidney’s filters are damaged, resulting in a waste buildup in the blood. So, we cannot think of a high blood creatinine range to be a disease in itself though it points to a life-threatening condition. Changes in urination, such as foamy urine, bloody urine, etc. muscle cramps fatigue nausea or vomiting puffiness around the eyes swelling in the feet or ankles ...